
Center OLM organises lessons, seminars, workshops and lectures.

Prevention and wellbeing are the central themes. The preventive health-trainings and body-healing are based especially upon taoist alchemist practices from the Southern Jindan-tradition."Aplomb" is the corner stone of our teachings. On the background, you'll also find the Himalaya-tradition of yoga (but also the Tibetan and Sufi traditions).

"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live." (Jim Rohn)

  • agenda and classes : see our homepage.

  • offer for associations and companies : please get in touch (

Classes for assocations and companies (in Dutch) :

overzicht aanbod.pdf

OLM offers pathways towards a harmonious way of living, bridges to find inner freedom.

  • We also organise classes in association with Vormingplus . Classes such as "Bewust Bewegen "("moving consciously"), "Lichaam en Adem" ("body and breath"), "Zorgzaam omgaan met je rug" ("taking care of your back) are on offer. For more details : please send us an email (

  • For private consultations, please make an appointment :

Chinese healthtraining - Aplomb :

inner rest, peace, resilience, health

Please contact us for more information.

Do you want to know where and when there the next series of classes will take place or do you want to register for classes? See our homepage or get in touch :